Friday, June 26, 2009

Party Like It's 1999 Even With The Phantom Menace: Episode 4: Rushmore and Not Another Teen Movies

Wes Anderson's "Rushmore" brought Bill Murray back into films we could love him in again. "Rushmore" starred Jason Schwartzman as Max Fischer, a boy in love with his prepschool Rushmore and then he's expelled. He befriends Herman Blume (Murray)and they end up falling for the same woman, Ms. Cross, a teacher at Rushmore. The script and the characters are what brings this film to life. What I love about "Rushmore" and all of Wes Anderson's characters, whether they're eccentric, weird, nerdy, geeky, it really isn't an underdog story in the classic sense. All of his characters know who they are and what they want and believe they're the smartest, coolest people they know. Max Fischer puts on plays with realism and explosions. He opens up an aquarium for his love. He's doing these balls out things taht would never be considered in the teen genre nor any other genre. Wes Anderson brought us back Bill Murray who would go on to do "Lost in Translation" among others. Anderson also had to have worked out some daddy issues by releasing "The Royal Tenenbaums", "The Life Aquatic", and "The Darjeeling Limited." While many adore "Botle Rocket", I feel without "Rushmore" in 1999, we would not have seen the other films we have had the luxury of seeing.

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