Monday, June 29, 2009

Party Like It's 1999 Even With The Phantom Menace: Episode 6 There is No Spoon

"The Matrix" had a preview during the Super Bowl in 1999. At this point, we've seen Keanu Reeves in a few great movies and we've seen him in a bunch of duds. This movie looked really good but it could be the next “Star Wars” or it could be the next “Johnny Mnemonic.”

"Your men are already dead." When that line was spoken right before Trinity took out a couple of policeman and leaped from rooftop to rooftop, you knew something was there. Everyone in the theater was locked and loaded for an awesome action movie at this point. Little did we know, we were being given an action film plus a great script. It took robots killing us to a whole new level. Our whole world was fake? It wasn't just Arnold after you. Everyone was hooked into the machines. Are we so far from that now? The bullet time effects stole Phantom Menace’s thunder. The Matrix had Neo and bullet time while Menace had annoying Anakin Skywalker and Jarjar. It was a bold film that satisfied in every way. It made you believe in Neo.

This was going to be the Star Wars of the 21st century. If you thought that, you were right. The Matrix sequels had the same fate as the Star Wars prequels as colossal disappointments. You had an unlimited budget, the first film worked. At this point, the studios should've backed off. Was it the Wachowski brothers themselves who cracked at this shot of greatness. The sequels were too self serious and like Star Wars 1-3, a strain that each line of dialogue had to tell you the meaning of life. The Matrix Reloaded got a pass because the third one would complete the puzzle. It didn't. The Matrix trilogy fizzled. Scratch that. Fizzle would make it a moderate disappointment. The Matrix Trilogy was like when they blow up an old hotel in Las Vegas. That’s the kind of disappointment it was. If anyone knows what happened in this production, post a comment.

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